Our values


Our products show fabolous life-cycle analysis results from their creation to their degradation : negligible embodied energy, CO2 sequestration, zero waste... 
The modules are also pleasant to the touch and smell. 
And what is left on site after construction is completely biodegradable, and can be recycled even as mulch in the kitchen garden.


Thanks to the R&D activities of our professional team, the building physics parameters of our modules can compete in all areas with industrially manufactured insulation products.

03 EASY and FAST

One of our main objectives is that our products make construction quick and easy. Get the job done in no time and without pain is the best way to transform work a source of pleasure and satisfaction.


We do not share the view that ”what is environmentally friendly must necessarily be expensive”.
Therefore, we make considerable efforts to be able to offer our products at very competitive prices compared to other insulation solutions available on the market.


The entire process from raw material sourcing to sales is a series of human interactions. In all these interactions, we act according to Fair Trade principles.


The origin and production history of our modules can be traced back at any time thanks to their identification labels.